114, "Are you sure you wish to cancel the operation?"
115, "Writing zeros to the drive."
116, "Approximate time remaining (hh:mm:ss):"
117, "Calculating"
118, "This software is licensed for use with <OEMOEMOEM> hard drives only. If you have a <OEMOEMOEM> drive attached to your system please check the cable connections and jumper settings. If you continue to receive this message with your <OEMOEMOEM> drive connected to your system, please contact <OEMOEMOEM> Technical Support by visiting www.seagate.com\n\nIf this software is being used without a <OEMOEMOEM> drive and you wish to purchase a version of Disk Manager software that will install your hard drive, contact Ontrack by visiting www.ontrack.com"
119, "..."
120, "Maintenance option complete.\n\nClick \"Done\" to return to the main menu."